Colorful fun abstract shapes

Hi there,

Hi there,

Hi! I’m Rachel. Though I’m not much of a hat person, I wear many hats at work. I’m a writer, creative writing instructor, copywriter, and branding professional, assuming we can all agree that bathrobes are the attire of a modern-day professional.

Rachel Zarrow portrait

When I’m not playing with words, I can be found playing with my dogs, cooking, painting, or taking a polar bear plunge.

I live in San Francisco, where I sometimes enjoy the views, but more often the fog. I frequently contribute book reviews to the San Francisco Chronicle, and I’m a volunteer with Empowerment Avenue. To keep up with my latest reading recs or musings on Lil Nas X, click here.

Accolades and Affiliations

  • Voted “Least Chill” by my BFFs for 30 years and counting
  • Founder of Fellowship of Jewish Athletes at my Episcopalian high school, circa 2006
  • Self-diagnosed HSP
  • Myers-Brigg ENFJ (like Oprah)

If you're looking to hire me to make you or your brand sound _____ (funny, smart, confident, attractive) visit Second Draft Studio. For all other inquiries, click here.

MFA Creative Writing,
UC Riverside Palm Desert 2019

BA Sociology, Minor Italian,
Stanford University 2013

Represented by Jamie Carr
of the Book Group

Separator before Articles


The San Franciscan

The Dog Days (Fiction)

background doodles

// I'm all ears

Contact me